Thursday, September 11, 2014

whole thirty thursday

One of my favorite meals my mother in law makes is her chili. It is one of Gabey Baby's too so it was one of the first of her recipes I learned. No worries guys, it's not like when Marie taught Debra how to make her meatballs(everybody loves raymond anyone?). Seriously though, this is probably the easiest recipe known to man and I will love Ellen forever for showing it to me.

In Ellen's version you use chili beans ...but since beans are out in the whole 30 I add zucchini. I know, I know, another chili recipe. But guys it's almost fall and it's easy. I love both those things.
As always you just chop your veggies and cook your meat. I use ground beef but my sister says it would be better with ground turkey. Some times I throw it all in a crock pot and let it simmer all day, other times I throw it on, bring it to a boil and let it simmer for an hour or two. I think it's a little better in the crockpot but sometimes 7:30 am is early. I won't lie this is best with some cheese and Fritos but it's great as is too! 

1 large can/bottle of tomato juice
1 yellow onion
1 zucchini
1 can of chili ready tomatoes
2 pounds ground beef
3 tablespoons chili powder

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